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Human 2.0

Kettlebell Foundations | Introduction To Kettlebells Webinar

Kettlebell Foundations | Introduction To Kettlebells Webinar

Regular price $19.99 CAD
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Intro Kettlebell Webinar is a 1-hour webinar that teaches you all of the basics on how to use a kettlebell. You'll learn the deadlift, swing, clean and press. This will be a video-based course and not involve any instructor interaction, but all of the movements will be demonstrated and shown in video format. This is an easy-to-follow kettlebell training program expertly presented by Human 2.0 coach Dan.

This 1 hour webinar was designed to answer questions related to kettlebells and how they are used, which will give you a firm foundation for future kettlebell use. Everything from the KB deadlift to the KB press is explained in a video-based format, so you can follow along at home.

Required for this course is a light kettlebell (8-12kg).

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